I want to write anymore. After a warmer winter, bees are in good situation. I hope this year will be a good year for bees and us. Winter losses are not so many. Two weeks ago l have made sugar powder in Uskup Town and next day I went to Provincial Agricultural Administration. Thanks them because they are providing us a mill for making sugar to powder and a dough mixer to make cakes for bees. (But a mill was broken down And I had to go to private mill in Uskup Town.) I mixed there a sack of powdered sugar, 50 kg milk powder and and a little bit honey to make cake for bees. The weather was pretty cold, then I tried a lot to clean the mixer because of sticky cake and cold. There wasn'nt any hot water also to clean it so I tried a lot. Anyway, I achieved to leave it back how I found it.
Last weekend at th end of the semester time, I have gone to apiary to give some cakes to the bees. I have controllled all of them so which one is the urgentliy need feeding. I have seen that
many of them has begun to lay down eggs. Meanwhile I have got some some nuces which I try to winter them to use after winter and early spring bee losses. Firstly I put cakes on those nuces and their mood was excellent. Then I have given 25 and more hives cakes for feeding and aried, ventileted their suppers, adjusted some honey filled framaes just on the centered hole over the brood chamber to go up and bring the honey down to the brood area. This weekend too I have to make the same things. That's enough for the first day bye...